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SMR Prayer Group

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This is my daddy. He was an awesome Godly man. He worked so hard for my family. Sometimes three jobs at a time. He insisted on giving us the very best of everything. I followed my daddy everywhere fot46 years. I'm proud to have been given the chance to spend my/ his lifetime together. In 2018 my daddy left this world to go be with our Lord in Heaven. He developed septic shock and fought a month in intensive care. I held my daddy when he gave up his battle and ascended into Heaven... My whole world has been so shattered since that moment. With Fathers Day coming tomorrow I want to wish him the best Father's Day. I will spend the rest of my life sharing and celebrating his life. Love you forever and always your daughter Leslie

I was at Daddy's little girl too I miss him so much but he once told me when he passes away you always see a red bird in your bedroom window which is a cardinal would my dad passed away in 2008 from that day on a red cardinal is been in my bedroom window every morning I know he is looking out for me I'm taking care of me my son and my grandson Daddy I Will Always Love You know how you feel and no what you feel just keep your head up keep praying for your dad he's always going to be right behind you when you get into trouble he'll be right here when you don't need them you'll still be there God bless you and your family and your dad


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