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SMR Prayer Group

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Y’all please say some prayers.

Tim and I are back at the ER. His leg has turned purple again and his leg and foot are very swollen. It’s hurting him to walk or sit. His blood numbers are off.

Also, Tim’s sister Jennifer is in a different hospital in step down ICU. She is having issues with fluid around her heart and lungs.

And last but not least. Tims other sister Barbara’s husband Dwight is down here in Mississippi visiting because he is not doing well and his brain cancer is growing again quite rapidly and they can’t do a lot more for it. 🥹

Anyways we will update as we can.

Thank y'all for any and all good vibes and prayers.

Much love Heather & Tim

Christina Baker
Kari Alexander
Crystal Rediger

Glad Tim is home i. Put him on a prayer list and my payers are with him and the family



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